Friday, February 09, 2007

A Big Pat on the Head for the Little Lady

There is a man who frequently writes letters to the editor of our weekly hometown newspaper. He is a very nice man, has a very nice wife and several large, but very nice dogs. He writes with some authority. If you didn't know better you'd think he was well informend and reasonable.

But I know better. I'm willing to bet that if you had the stomach to listen to Rush Limbaugh for a few weeks you could predict what Mr. Letter Writer is going to ponder next. I'd like to try it but I'm afraid the top of my head might fly off from the increase in blood pressure.

I recently wrote a letter of my own to editor in response to one of his diatribes blaming the democrats for the President's inability to win the war. You see, I have a stake in the war. He is my second born son, Joe, who is a Major in the Marine Corps. He's in Al Anbar provence until later this spring.

I'm proud of my son. He's a good Marine, a good husband, a good dad, a good son. He's funny and good looking and he's had my heart since the day he was born. I questioned his decision to join the Marine Corps after college but he knew himself better than I knew him and he made the right choice.

When I've voiced my opinion about the war lately both Mr. Letter Writer and a commenter on my blog have figuratively patted me on the head and said in so many words........You just don't understand little lady. Well, big fellas, I think I understand pretty well. My experience is as a mom, not a soldier. I've never carried a weapon, never served my country, never even considered it. But I raised my kids alone after thier dad died. I've lobbied for better treatment of the handicapped. I've managed my own business. I've survived the loss of my oldest son.

Get the picture? I can do anything. I read and listen and stay informed. I can process information and understand it with the best of them. I don't need your condesension.

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